Security management as-a-service

Security Management Background

Industry Risk’s Security Management as a Service provides organisations with a corporate security management capability – rapidly and within your budget.

Many organisations have minimal corporate security governance, but fall under the jurisdiction of at least several elements of security-related legislation, often without realising it. Most are also subject to a range of potential security threats, including (but not limited to):

  • Customer aggression and violence
  • Drug/alcohol affected individuals
  • Fraud and corruption
  • Fixated individuals
  • Issue Motivated Groups
  • Petty crime

Industry Risk provides senior security expertise to assess the security threat/issue and establish governance and structures that underpin how it will be managed on an ongoing basis. We have also been called in to address short-term security issues that require a rapid response.

Security Management as a Service value proposition

  • Providing organisations with a cost-effective way of initially developing then, to the extent needed, maintaining security programs and coordinating the management of risk and assessing it.
  • Offering an extension to organisational security capability, without the significant cost of employment.
  • Keeping senior Executives and Boards updated, while bringing an independent perspective.
  • Affording an initial, then on-call security presence, and maximising the ability to mitigate risks before they can cause unacceptable operational, financial and reputational losses.

Security Management as a Service Key Capabilities

Corporate Security Strategist

Quickly orientates to the situation and devises a transition plan to where your organisation wishes to be. Also ensures that security plans are fully aligned with budgets to achieve organisational objectives.

Expert Security Advisor

Immediately upon being engaged, your security manager will, verbally and through a documented security plan, provide the kind of in-context advice that you’d expect from an expert in their field. Historical precedence and typical outcomes of practically any security issue can be conveyed, so that security issues are demystified.

Security Governance Specialist

If you presently lack the security policies, frameworks, manuals, plans and procedures etc., we can deliver these quickly. We have libraries of content at hand to speed this process and can rapidly tailor any document to address security governance gaps, while ensuring that local context is addressed.

Security Management Case Studies

  • Client 1 was dealing with an urgent industrial relations matter that involved a high level of threat from a union known for acts of violence and lawbreaking. The matter was serious, and veiled threats were made to executives. Our security services included an immediate assessment of those at risk, development of a plan that detailed executive protection, and ongoing advice over several years as the legal process continued.
  • Client 2 was a large public organisation customer that was subject to an imminent terrorism threat. A high-level security review was performed by the Department and the decision made to bring in security management expertise. Over a period of three years Industry Risk provided two security resources to address risks and mitigate the potential of such risks in the future.
  • Client 3 is ongoing and involved review and development of internal security procedures for use during an act of customer workplace aggression. Workshops were recently delivered to test security arrangements, which were found to be very effective.

Unsure if you need a Security Manager?

If your organisation has immediate issues but cannot afford to pay for a long-term consultant or justify engaging an employee, an arrangement involving an expert security management specialist is strongly recommended.

For more information about the advantages of engaging our Security Management as a Service, and how our security managers may benefit your organisation, get in touch with Industry Risk today.